Frequently Asked Questions

Is it a public API?

No, this is a private API only meant for use by partners of GlobalConnect.

Are all services available through the API?

Yes, both Internet, Ethernet and IP-VPN services are catered for in the API, but certain restrictions apply. We do not have full support for off-net services and diversity/redundancy functionality. For more information, read through the API information available here.

Does the API cover all of GlobalConnect's offerings (in all countries)?

The Partner API currently only work for offerings within Norway. Based on demand from API consumers, we will be evaluating extended geographical coverage.

What currency is supported and can I get prices in Euro’s?

Our API only support Norwegian kroner (NOK) as currency.

Do I get access only to my own access lines?

Yes, you are only provided access to your own data including your end-customers.

How does the authentication work?

You will be provided with partner level authentication credentials to be used in every API call via basic authorization, header-based. Furthermore, you will receive an API-key, query-parameter. We use MFA and will verify your call using these two separate sets of credentials.

Do we get access to the live data in production environment?

The credentials you receive will give you access to the sandbox version of the API, this API offers identical functionality and usage as our production version of the API, the only difference is that the provided data is kept in a sandbox, and are not real live data. When you are ready to go into production with your solution you request production version access. We will, after verification, send you an additional email with a set of credentials for production.

Are there any limitations as to # of calls per day?

For the sandbox version there are no restrictions on the usage of the API. For the production version there are certain restrictions on Coverage Search. We have a limit of 50 Coverage Search per day, and 300 Coverage Search per month (last 30 days).

How does Coverage Search work?

By providing address information, you will get all available services and prices from us, both on-net and off-net. For off-net services, it will provide only indicative prices. The Coverage Search will only provide data for Norwegian addresses. The address search can be done with GAB-id or by regular address information such as street name, house number, post code, city etc. GAB is a public register covering all land properties, addresses and buildings in Norway.

Do I need any special technology to utilize the API?

You need to be able to send requests and receive responses over HTTPS. We use REST style for communication and JSON for payload.

How do I get access to the API?

You can read more about the request access process here.

How do I get notified about changes in the API?

You can read more about the change policy here.

Is there a developer user forum established?

For the time being there is no virtual user forum established for the Partner API users. We believe it is most beneficial to meet physically until we have reached the critical mass of partners. Read more about our Partner API user forum here.

Do I need a signed agreement to start using the API?

You are not entitled to use the API unless you have a signed Master Service agreement or other framework agreement with GlobalConnect. Furthermore, separate terms and conditions (API license) are in place for partners using the API. The API license can be found here, and does not need to be signed in order for you to start using the API.

Do I have to be a partner of GlobalConnect to use the API?

Yes, you need to have a signed Master Service agreement or other framework agreement with GlobalConnect to be able to use the API.

How do I get started with the API?

Based on preference, you can pick any use case for implementation, but we recommend to start with Perform Coverage Search. To start using our Partner API you need to acquire proper credentials as a Partner to GlobalConnect. Want to request access? Please follow these instructions.

What terms and conditions are applicable for the Partner API?

GlobalConnect AS provides a Partner-API on the website, which provides access to information, code and other material to a user of the API. These terms and conditions describe under what conditions the API is provided, how you should use the API, and what your rights and obligations are when using the API-content in your own products or services.

Are there any general terms of use for the developer portal?

You can read more about the developer portal terms of use here.

How does the change policy work?

You can read more about the change policy here.