Partner API License


GlobalConnect AS (“GlobalConnect”) provides a Partner-API (the “API”) on the website, which provides access to information, code and other material (the “API-content”) to a user of the API (the “Partner”).

These terms of license (the “Agreement”) describe under what conditions the API is provided, how you should use the API, and what your rights and obligations are when using the API-content in your own products or services.

The provision of GlobalConnect’s services through the API and the relationship between GlobalConnect and the Partner are governed by GlobalConnect Subscription Terms and Conditions or other framework agreement that GlobalConnect and the Partner has entered into.

By accepting the terms of this Agreement, you certify that you have read, understood and accept the terms set out herein and in the documents referred to in this Agreement.

1. License

1.1 GlobalConnect hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-assignable, non- transferable and revocable license to use the API in accordance with this Agreement. This license, and the products and services which you develop under the license, do not constitute any limitation in GlobalConnect’s or our data sources’ right to freely use, develop, amend and to stop providing the API, the API-content and related products and services.

As further set out below, we will keep you updated on changes to the API and our ability to provide the API.

2. Intellectual Property Rights

2.1 GlobalConnect and/or the third parties with which we are cooperating hold the ownership and the intellectual property rights to the API. Unless you have received our expressed written consent, you are not entitled to claim the ownership of, publish, copy, assign, transfer, license, or otherwise dispose the intellectual property rights to the source code, or call structure of the API.

2.2 When using the API-content in products or services developed by you, you are not entitled to refer to the API or to GlobalConnect’s trade name or trademark.

2.3 By submitting requests to the API, you grant GlobalConnect a non-exclusive, non-assignable and non- transferable license to refer to your trade name and any products and services in which the API-content is used (including any trademarks which you hold for such products or services), for the purpose of indicating that you are using the API. GlobalConnect’s right to use your trade name and trademark is limited to source references for this purpose.

3. Processing of Personal Data

3.1 In order to be able to submit request to the API, you may need to register certain personal data pertaining to you. By registering your personal data, you accept that GlobalConnect processes your personal data for the purpose of administrating, supervising and enabling your use of the API, and that GlobalConnect, acting as a data controller in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), processes your personal data in accordance with our Policy for processing of personal data

4. Technical Requirements and Limitations

4.1 For the purpose of securing and maintaining the availability and quality of the API and the API-content, you are obliged to adhere to our instructions regarding caching, storing, copying and updating the API-content, as set out here:

  • For the Coverage Search, the following limitations has been set for production: 50 requests per day, and 300 requests per month. These limitations does not apply for the sandbox environment.
  • For placing New Orders, the following limitations has been set for production: 100 orders per day. These limitations does not apply for the sandbox environment.
  • Placing of New Orders, Change Orders, Termination Orders should follow your normal business transaction flow, hence, you should not cache or batch transactions through the API. Bulk orders are not supported.
  • We may charge you a fee for certain transactions - please read our Subscription Terms and Conditions to be sure you are aware of our fee and invoicing policy before you take the API in use.

4.2 You may only connect to the API in the way set out in our instructions and you are not entitled to use any technical means to gain unauthorized access to, disturb or deactivate the API. This includes, but is not limited to, that you undertake not to introduce viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other forms of malware in the API or on the website where the API is provided.

5. Other Requirements of Use

5.1 You have to be 18 years of age to enter into this Agreement and to access the API.

5.2 You are not entitled to use the API unless you have a signed Master Service agreement or other framework agreement with GlobalConnect.

5.3 You are not entitled to use the API or the API-content for products and services which may harm GlobalConnect’s business or which violates our interests.

5.4 You are not entitled to use the API or the API-content for products or services which are in breach of or which allude to the breach of applicable laws and regulations.

5.5 Use of the API or the API-content in any other way than as set out in this section requires written consent by GlobalConnect.

6. Liability

6.1 We strive to constantly improve the API and welcome you to inform us of any errors or defects in your user experience by sending us feedback through our regular API user forum meetings. As further specified in this section ”Liability” we however have limited possibilities to correct errors or defects.

6.2 You are aware and accept that GlobalConnect does not commit to, or provide any warranties regarding the quality, security, reliability, availability or performance of the API or the API-content. Accordingly, notwithstanding what is set out in this license and the provided API documentation, Policy for Change Management, or other descriptions of the API’s function where the API is provided, you cannot expect that the API is error free, free from security issues, updated, or a suitable data source for the products or services you intend to use the API for.

6.3 You are aware and accept that you use the API at your own risk and that GlobalConnect is not liable for any direct or indirect damage, which you may suffer due to your use of, respectively your inability to use, the API or the API-content. You also accept that GlobalConnect’s total liability for damages due to your use of, respectively your inability to use, the API and the API-content is limited to 10.000 NOK.

6.4 By generating data and information to the API, you accept that you are responsible for your right to publish and distribute such information, including but not limited to a responsibility to ensure that you (i) do not violate any third party’s intellectual property rights, (ii) are entitled to distribute any personal data, (iii) do not distribute information in breach of, or which allude to the breach of, applicable laws and regulations.

6.5 You undertake to indemnify GlobalConnect, our partners and employees against any claims from third parties pertaining to your use of the API or the API-content in breach of this Agreement.

7. Changes

7.1 We reserve the right to update and change the API, the API-content, and this Agreement in accordance with our Change Policy . The change policy sets out which changes may occur, how changes are communicated to you and how long in advance.

7.2 Changes to this Agreement are documented by the issuance of a new version of these terms. Each new version will be provided with a new version number, set out at the end of the document.

7.3 By continuing to use the API after a change has been executed, you confirm that you accept the change. If you do not accept a change you are no longer entitled to use the API and must discontinue your connection to the API in accordance with the section ”Term and Conditions” below.

8. Terms and Conditions

8.1 This Agreement, and your license to the API, enters into force when you accept this Agreement, and remains in force as long as GlobalConnect provides the API, unless previously terminated in accordance with this section “Term and Conditions”.

8.2 GlobalConnect reserves the right to immediately terminate this Agreement and to discontinue your use of the API if you use the API or the API-content in breach of the provisions set out herein. We also reserve the right to, based on our reasonable assessment and following notice to you, in accordance with our Change Policy, permanently or temporarily discontinue the API or the API-content in part or in its entirety.

8.3 You are entitled to at any time, without grounds and without cost terminate this Agreement. Such termination is carried out by discontinuing your use of the API by erasing all your registered applications that consume this API or by updating all registered applications ensuring that none of your registered applications consumes this API. When you have no registered applications, consuming this API this agreement is terminated.

8.4 If your right to use the API is terminated, you are liable to immediately discontinue and erase all consumption of this API.

9. Miscellaneous

9.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement on all matters concerning your right to use the API and the API-content. Changes in or amendments to this Agreement other than new versions in accordance with the section ”Changes” above shall, in order to be valid, be carried out by way of written confirmation from GlobalConnect.

9.2 You are not entitled to transfer your rights and obligations under this Agreement to a third party. GlobalConnect reserves the right to, after notice to you, assign the Agreement to any of our group companies or to a third party which acquire our business, in part or in its entirety.

9.3 If and to the extent that any of your obligations, or any limitation of your rights in accordance with this Agreement, are not valid because of your rights as a consumer, they shall not be applicable to you. Accordingly, nothing in this Agreement is intended to exclude or limit your lawful rights as a consumer.

9.4 This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with the laws of Norway. Any disputes, which arise in relation to this Agreement, shall be settled in Norwegian courts.

10. Document version and attribution

This document represent version 1.0 of the license. The license is based on the Swedish API License ( but has been adapted by GlobalConnect AS 2019-06-12.